Centre for Business History in Scotland


The Centre for Business History in Scotland and the University of Glasgow invite you to the 14th Annual Conference of the European Business History Association, which will be held in various committee rooms at the University of Glasgow 26-28th August 2010.  The theme for the conference will be "Business Beyond the Firm".  You are welcome to submit Proposals for papers or panels dealing with the conference theme. 

Please note the deadline for submission of proposals is 19 February 2010.  Proposals must be submitted to


EBHA Dissertation Prize 2010

Every two years, the EBHA awards a prize for the best dissertation in business history submitted to a European university in the previous two years. Eligible dissertations may be in any European language. The next EBHA prize will be presented at the 2010 meeting in Glasgow , and it is sponsored by the Centre for Business History in Scotland and the William Lind Foundation. 

Three finalists will be selected from the dissertations submitted for consideration, and the authors will be invited to give a presentation at a plenary session at the Glasgow meeting.  All three finalists will be eligible for reimbursement of part of their travel costs.  In addition, the prize winner will receive EUR 300 and a certificate.

The procedures for submission of dissertations and the criteria for eligibility and selection will be available on the conference web site: Dissertation Prize