International Business, International Organizations and the Wealth of Nations

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EBHA - 11th Annual Conference

Geneva, 13-15 September 2007

Welcome to Geneva

The 11th Annual Conference of the European Business History Association will be held at the University of Geneva, 13 - 15 September 2007.

The theme of the conference is: International Business, International Organizations, and the Wealth of Nations

The choice of Geneva, the home of several international organizations, as the venue for the 2007 conference offers the opportunity to pay closer attention to the history of what might be called the international institutions of business activity.

International organizations have shaped international business activities ever since merchants have traded outside their home country. Throughout the 19th century, international cooperation and competition made ample use of international trade fairs, international exhibitions, international conferences, international cartels, as well as more permanent type of associations. The First and even more the Second World War led to increased state intervention and its international corollary, the rise of government agencies, above all the United Nations and its various organizations, which, together with the myriad of pro and anti business NGOs, have directly or indirectly affected the course of international business.

The Department of Economic History of the University of Geneva invites you to send drafts for sessions or papers related to all aspects of international business, and encourages you to take a closer look at the links between international business activities, their mediation through international organizations, and the wealth of nations.

The conference is organized with the generous support of:

  • Bank Pictet & Cie
  • Geneva Financial Centre
  • The University of Geneva
  • The Canton of Geneva


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